Business tip – Taking time out

This last week I have learnt when I should take time out from both my author service biz and my writing. On Wednesday I went down with a rotten cold and felt so grotty, that I didn’t want to do anything writing or computer related. All I wanted to do was veg out, eat and read. So that is what I did. I chilled out in my armchair, I ate lots of goodies (crisps and sweeties to suck) and I read. But when I read, I read not just fiction, but about marketing during the holiday and how to drive sales during the holiday, and how to start a brand with non-fiction books based on a niche subject. The latter one I am going to work on, and might be the next post here. So, not quite completely vegging out, but taking time out from my main businesses to learn more. I am getting better day by day. Yesterday I felt my cold was drying up, and today I feel more human. Even helped my mum in the garden.

So learn to take time out from your business. It could be you’re a busy parent during the school holidays, or not feeling well like me. You can find something you can do that won’t tax your brain so much and can do when you feel like it.

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